
I’m glad you are here.

In my approach to therapy, I wholeheartedly believe that the therapist-client relationship is at the root of therapeutic change. My goal is to connect with clients and offer a space that feels comfortable, genuine, and open.

Therapy is hard work, but it can guide you towards more intentional living and connected relationships with both yourself and others.

Welcome to Sunlight Psychotherapy. I’m glad you are here.

In my approach to therapy, I wholeheartedly believe that the therapist-client relationship is at the root of therapeutic change. My goal is to connect with clients and offer a space that feels comfortable, genuine, and open.

Therapy is hard work, but it can guide you towards more intentional living and connected relationships with yourself and others. Through talk therapy, I will help you discover more about yourself, identify your strengths, and build upon the areas where you desire growth.

Telehealth & Washington State

Sunlight Psychotherapy is only licensed to see Washington residents at this time. Through virtual telehealth sessions, therapy becomes accessible to any client located within the state.

Telehealth & Washington State

Sunlight Psychotherapy is only licensed to see Washington residents at this time. Through virtual telehealth sessions, therapy becomes accessible to any client located within the state.

Relationship with

food and body

Seeking food freedom and body peace? Sunlight Psychotherapy uses a Health-At-Every-Size approach to care for disordered eating.

Request an appointment

Sessions are conducted virtually on a secure telehealth video platform, making therapy convenient and accessible.

Choose your preferred time and date below. Upon receiving your request, we will send you additional information regarding availability.