Relationship with food and body

Seeking peace in your relationship with food? Struggling with an eating disorder or body image struggles? Therapy focused on your relationship with food and body may be a helpful tool in reaching recovery.

Relationship with food and body

Seeking peace in your relationship with food? Struggling with an eating disorder or body image struggles? Therapy focused on your relationship with food and body may be a helpful tool in reaching recovery.

Treatment philosophy

Treatment Philosophy

In my work with eating disorders, I utilize a Health-at-Every-Size (HAES) perspective. I am weight-neutral, body-neutral and adopt a holistic approach to the treatment of disordered eating and body image issues. My philosophy is rooted in Intuitive Eating to help you learn to trust your body and identify what it needs. I believe that recovery is possible, and I hope to support you along your journey to discovering what that means for you.

Focusing on a holistic path to your peace with food

This therapy focuses on exploring the root of disordered eating behaviors, making healthy behavior changes, and learning tangible coping skills to help you along the way.

Sunlight Psychotherapy focuses on using cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and dialectical-behavioral therapy (DBT) to help you challenge disordered eating thoughts and regulate your emotions around food.

Madeline Berry, LMFT – Bellevue, WA Therapist
Madeline Berry, LMFT – Bellevue, WA Therapist

Madeline Berry is a licensed therapist with experience and training in eating disorders and body image concerns. She works with a variety of eating disorders, including Anorexia Nervosa, Bulimia Nervosa, Binge Eating Disorder, Avoidant-Restrictive Food Intake Disorder, as well as disordered eating or body image concerns.

Madeline has experience as a therapist in residential treatment for eating disorders, as a counselor working with eating struggles on a university campus, and with children/adolescents in long-term inpatient care.

Due to her varied experience with disordered eating, she has a deep understanding and empathy towards clients struggling with these concerns, and enjoys helping individuals reach food freedom and peace with their bodies.